Our Whiskies


We have an entire wall of the finest selected whiskies from all over the world… enjoy!

Livi Robins

The Complete Back Bar

As the founder & owner of Boston Shaker Bar… & a whisk(e)y enthusiast myself, I’ve made a decision to showcase & offer you the highest quality & most diverse whisky tasting experience I possibly could.

Our whisk(e)y range is growing rapidly, as is our reputation for our niche offering.

Always evolving, aways exploring & always on the search for the next mouthwatering taste experience. .


B.S. Old Fashioned

The first use of the name “Old Fashioned” for a bourbon whiskey cocktail dates back to 1881. The recipe was said to have been invented by a bar tender in honour of Colonel James E Pepper a prominent bourbon distiller, who brought it to a bar in New York City. Variation are endless, try ours!

Join Our Whisk(e)y Sessions

We’re currently taking Expressions Of Interest for Boston Shaker Bar’s all new Whisk(e)y Sessions. A new concept that I’ve created for like minded Whisk(e)y Enthusiasts, to get together occasionally & talk all things whisk(e)y. Listen to keynote speakers, enjoy whisk(e)y tastings & find out all there is to know about our favourite drink. If that sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, leave your details below & we’ll be in touch soon!

Cheers, Livi

The different spelling of Whisk(e)y

Did you know that there are 2 different spellings of whisk(e)y. Whisky & Whiskey! So which one is it & why are there two options?

To find out why, click on the link below!